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Luxe Queuing Slatwall Backs on Two (2) Sides

LUQB……Luxe Queuing System Back
B1……Back Option One
SWL=Slatwall Laminated
SWP=Slatwall Painted
B2……Back Option Two
SWL=Slatwall Laminated
SWP=Slatwall Painted
DP……Double Panel
NW……Nominal Width 24″, 36″ or 48″
(640 mm, 914 mm, or 1219 mm)
NH……Nominal Height 40″, 48″, 54″ or 60″
(1016 mm, 1219 mm, 1372 mm or 1524 mm)

Finish Code
FIN2……Back One
FIN3……Inserts One
FIN4……Back Two
FIN5……Inserts Two


  • Nominal widths are 24″, 36″ or 48″ (610 mm, 914 mm, and 1219 mm)
  • Nominal heights are 40″, 48″, 54″ or 60″ (1016 mm, 1219 mm, 1372 mm or 1524 mm)
  • Slatwall backs on two sides
  • Back is a one-piece unit and easily installs into side slots of the Luxe Queuing Post