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Maxi Slice

Maxi Slice

Maxi Slice’s upright system provides interesting merchandising opportunities by breaking up a common gondola into flexible sections. Give merchandise more ‘pop’ and cross-sell products by adding shelves and accessories in smaller categories.

Slice gives merchandise the opportunity to have shelves planogrammed to what is needed rather than being restricted to 3′ and 4′ (914 mm and 1219 mm) sections.

  • Can be used on one or both sides of a gondola
  • Can be installed in existing Madix Maxi Line shelving
  • Backs are available in pegboard, hardboard, and BWGH wire backs (Can not be used with slatwall backs)
If you order a BWGH Wire Back and a back on the other side, the back could be painted on two sides

Maxi Slice

Ordering Information
Order standard gondolas, but follow these guidelines:

  • Order gondola with 3′ and 4′ (914 mm and 1219 mm) Base Shelves and Kickplates
  • Delete Top Spanners
  • Delete Center Spanners
  • Delete Splicer Spanners [replace with MBS(NW) as needed]
  • Delete Backs on Maxi Slice side
  • Maxi Slice Upright: Order the height based on gondola height
  • Maxi Slice Upright Tie Bar: Two required 48″H to 60″H (1219 mm to 1524 mm), and three required 66″H to 96″H (1676 mm to 2438 mm)
  • Mirror Back Splicer: Needed for “Slice” side if 2-piece backs are required; if 2-piece backs are necessary on other side of wall or 2-sided gondola, use MBS
  • Maxi Slice Top Spanner for Slice: Replaces standard top spanner in gondola
  • Standard Madix backs are used for Slice and non-Slice sides
  • Recommend: Ordering shelving runs by parts

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